Situato in centro cittá, il Design District Helsinki é un area piena di design e di boutique d'antiquariato, negozi di abbigliamento, musei, gallerie d'arte, ristoranti e showrooms. Tutto questo é creativitá, unicitá, esperienza, design e cultura cittadina finlandese. Per maggiori informazioni visitate:
Se per caso vi manca ancora qualche prodotto del design finalndese al ritorno dal vostro viaggio in Finlandia, lo potete facilmente ordinare ad Artic Design, visitate qui il nostro shop online.
If you visit Finland, Helsinki offers an ideal place to get to know better Finnish design. Located in the centre of Helsinki, the Design District Helsinki is an area full of design and antique shops, fashion stores, museums, art galleries, restaurants and showrooms. It is creativity, uniqueness, experiences, design and Finnish city culture. For more information visit:
If for some case are still missing some items of Finnish Design after your visit in Finland, you can order them easily from the Artic Design, click here to visit our Finnish Design shop online.
Se per caso vi manca ancora qualche prodotto del design finalndese al ritorno dal vostro viaggio in Finlandia, lo potete facilmente ordinare ad Artic Design, visitate qui il nostro shop online.
If you visit Finland, Helsinki offers an ideal place to get to know better Finnish design. Located in the centre of Helsinki, the Design District Helsinki is an area full of design and antique shops, fashion stores, museums, art galleries, restaurants and showrooms. It is creativity, uniqueness, experiences, design and Finnish city culture. For more information visit:
If for some case are still missing some items of Finnish Design after your visit in Finland, you can order them easily from the Artic Design, click here to visit our Finnish Design shop online.
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